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Bujhideu - Samir Shrestha (Guitar Chords and Lyrics)


Written and Performed By Samir Shrestha.

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Bujhideu Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Samir Shrestha 

Capo on 2nd fret

Intro: C F

Fmaj7 – xx3210

Verse 1

Vannu thiyo timlai euta kura
Suni deu na
Dherai garoo vaisakyo
Bujhideu na

Timro lagi yeti maayaa cha ki
Shabdai thaaki sake
Timro aghi maayaa ko
Vik maagda maagdai haarisake

…………Dm Em
Aau na timi farkera
…………..Dm Em
Paari diulaa hai ma sabai thika
………..Dm Em
Herideu na feri farkera
…………..Dm G
Basaeko xu ajhai ma timi mai
………..C F
Adhkera ..
………..C F
Adhkera ..

Verse 2

Timrai sapana ko euta tukra
Thiye ma
Khusi chau ni ajhai
Timi bina ma

Timro lagi yeti maayaa cha ki
Shabdai haariki sake
Timro aghi maayaa ko
Vik maagda maagdai thaakisake

…………Dm Em
Aau na timi farkera
…………..Dm Em
Paari diulaa hai ma sabai thika
………..Dm Em
Herideu na feri farkera
…………..Dm G
Basaeko xu ajhai ma timi mai
………..C F
Adhkera ..
………..C F
Adhkera ..

About the Author

A youtuber by hobby. Blogger as a passion !!

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