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Mayalu Ko Maya Mitho- Guitar Chords and Lyrics

Mayalu Ko Maya Mitho - Chords - Udit Narayan | Sadhana Sargam


Mayalu ko maya mitho nyano nyano kakha


juni juni saiyaun juni angalo mai rakha


siri siri hawa chalyo udna lage ma


timro manko swarga chheu pugna lage ma


chakewada chakeri jhai sangai marne bacha garaun


dui mutu gatho pari pirati ko khola tarauu


timi bina apuro jingadi mero


aau basaun mayalu manko serofero


kalejijo chheuma gaun chha mero


timro manko pana ma naau chha mero 


hathemalo hath badhi aba yeuta bhakal garaun


pirati ko bagaicha ma sangai fulau sangai jharau

Mayalu ko maya mitho nyano nyano kakha

juni juni saiyaun juni angalo mai rakha


mutu chalchha chhatima dhukdhuki timro


sunideu manama pirati yo hamro


jun hasyo paat ma sit khanai


man hasyo mayale afno banai


sapani ma auchhu bhanthyau bipani ma aai diyau


sametera aafu bhitra chokho maya laidiyau


Mayalu ko maya mitho nyano nyano kakha


juni juni saiyaun juni angalo mai rakha


siri siri hawa chalyo udna lage ma


timro manko swarga chheu pugna lage ma

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Tags Used :

Nepali guitar 

Nepali guitar tutorial 

Nepali lyrics and chords 

Nepali chords and lyrics 

Nepali songs chords 

Nepali guitar chords 

Nepali chords 

Sajilo chords 

Sajilo nepali chords 

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A youtuber by hobby. Blogger as a passion !!

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