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Should one marry after falling in love?

Should one marry after falling in love?

Should one marry after falling in love?

This question raises the respondent in two parts. Some say that love and marriage are two different things. Love does not mean marriage. Arkathari says that the last point of love is marriage. When love transforms into marriage, then only love-relationship is meaningful. Loving means more than just enjoying life. Therefore, those who are loved, are seen as future spouses.

Some may be tempted to go for leisure. Nowadays, it is customary to form a pair for sexual intercourse. Some make boyfriends / girlfriends out of curiosity. How many have seen? Some people even wear such a pair for their own safety. Therefore, it is not possible to have a marital relationship with anyone who comes to join as a boyfriend / girlfriend. But, sometimes you have to marry the same boyfriend / girlfriend. And, this does not mean that the married life is happy and pleasant. How to live a married life with boyfriend / girlfriend while making love. Some even go so far as to do family planning. To give birth to a son or a daughter? What's in a name? Where to teach Etc. Maybe, love is also immersed in such fantasies to make life romantic.

Understand your partner's behavior? : So while in a love relationship, your boyfriend / girlfriend's behavior, behavior, thinking, purpose, expectations, everything can be evaluated. How is your boyfriend / girlfriend treating you? How do you see yourself? You have to understand that. Love begins with the eyes. External attraction to someone is what transforms into love. Only when one is made a boyfriend / girlfriend does one know his true nature. In the initial stage, the nature and behavior of others cannot be known.

What kind of boyfriend / girlfriend can you live with? : If the boyfriend / girlfriend is interested in everything, takes care of their health, is curious about the family, gives advice for career, then they can be accepted as future spouses. This kind of marital relationship is better if you get married to a boyfriend / girlfriend who helps and cooperates in some way in your personal life and shares your sorrows. If they are interested in taking care of their little things, what kind of clothes are suitable / what is not suitable, what they ate, what they did not eat and give proper advice, then such lovers are suitable as spouses. While in a love affair, you can decide whether you can accept or embrace your boyfriend / girlfriend as your spouse. What is exempted at this time is that you do not have to fulfill any legal provision to leave if you do not like your boyfriend / girlfriend in your life. You don't have to keep socializing. So if you are not satisfied with some of the tendencies of your boyfriend or girlfriend, you can break up.

After Marriage: Marriage is the turning point in one's life. For family happiness, there should be mutual understanding, cooperation, harmony, love, goodwill, trust between husband and wife. Therefore, you should know what your partner is like before marriage. Often when you are in a love relationship, you can find out your partner's behavior, manners, tendencies, thoughts, thoughts. So you should know these things while you are in love. Because after getting married, there is no such opportunity again.

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A youtuber by hobby. Blogger as a passion !!

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